/* ### for now, only process regular files (e.g. skip symlinks) */if (S_ISREG(fsctx->info1.finfo.st_mode)) {
社区给出的官方解释如下:mod_dav does not display symbolic links and ignores them when found. Symbolic links are not defined in RFC 2518. Note that the repository or in this case the file system should be private to mod_dav and since mod_dav cannot create symbolic links you should not have any symbolic links unless you created them manually or with another program. If you are manipulating the repository manually while mod_dav is running be careful as you are circumventing mod_dav's file locks and could potentially cause problems.解决办法?
有人给mod_dav打了一个支持软链的补丁, 本人未进行测试,是否能解决有待确定。